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Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Search Engine Advertising For Your AVON Or Any Online Business

Cathy Romine - Back Again - Trying to show others
how to earn an internet income using real products with
advertising that will promote you and not the company store.

This is FREE Training - The Truth about
what you need to do if you want to succeed
long term on the internet. No one would give you
this advice FREE and no one would take the time I did
to write it and share my tips - they'd put it in an E book and
sell it to you, only thing is - most won't give you the truth you
are about to discover as is in this information.

I can furnish proof how I knock my competition
off the entire front page of a search... True -
many searches I'm not just #1 I dominate the entire page!

If You Can Read And Study This And Do
As I tell you - Your All Set To Succeed On
The Internet...Take's Work, Are you up to it?
If you want to join FREE and make money you'll
never make much - If you want to join and do nothing -
Get real - Treat it as you would an offline business.
This is Real Business with Real Income and it takes time
to build yourself and not the company your promoting who
could care less if you ever succeed.

Choosing the correct website is important -
do not use site builders -Build your
website from your computer using dreamweaver, etc
and upload it to your website. If you need help with
this I highly recommend Mark Genovese, he built my
Optimized Website

Hes the President/CEO of MANE World Promotions
Founder Of mySEOshop
Founder of the Optimized World Splash Pages
SEO Expert and Genius!

Mark has shared his knowledge with me and taught me
the following that I'm sharing with you:

Use domains names
with good searchable terms - I know you want
people to know your name but they don't know
you when searching - build the business and throw
your name into the mix. Before long they will know who you are
when you dominate the searches.

If after you read this, research me a bit and
decide your best investment in your business
is an optimized website there's none better
than with the help of Mark Genovese...

Don't get distracted, there's a lot of valuable information
here - Read then as you find time go back and click
links and study everything I do. I have a technique
and it works...It will work for you too if you put
it into practice.

mySEOshop Get Your Optimized Website Here

This is HUGE! If your a business owner or
If your a top Distributor with a company
which others are constantly searching for the product why
not get your own Optimized World Splash Page System?
Your not only earning money from your product
through those top search positions from people looking for your
product - your company listed in every city in every state
in the USA, you also earn income renting out the cities to
other affiliates of your company. Imagine only paying $14.95
to be sitting on the first page in your city or state for a well known
product. Also, Imagine how many of those you could sell!
Worth a fortune. Yes you would, like I said not only be
listed in top search results you would
make 25% from all sales of all cities you rent to other affiliates,
representatives or distributors in your company who also want
top search positions...
If your not the business owner you must get this system approved
and you both could earn huge and only offered if your a top

Heres Proof Of One Of The Test Systems Within A Few Days:

Look for Cosmetics Beauty Makeup in the following searches:

google - avon distributors texas, avon distributors florida, avon
distributors hawaii, etc...not even ready yet and already on those
pages. Once complete if AVON approves it once we get
this finished it will be in search
terms such as buy avon, sell avon, order avon, avon on all
first pages of every city of every state in the USA...
We can do this with any business - how about yours?
What would you pay google to be listed in every city in
every state? I couldn't begin to estimate the cost of that one.

Sell Real Products- AVON - See the potential?
millions of representatives who pay for yellowpage ads, etc and
do not get top search engine positions with that form of advertising.
What do you get with most directory's? Your business thrown in the
midst with your competition. For about the same price others in your
company would pay you to be listed in google with their business.
So with this system - you get top search engine positions, earn income
from those searching for your product plus income from the rentals.
Contact me for more details on this set up. You will only find
thisl system with Optimized World Splash Pages here,
never done before of this magnitude with the success rate we have.

Another one about ready to go, look at this -
Wonderful Business Opportunity - I am in
the http://SeaAloe-usa.com as Alabama Manager to
join me in Alabama go here - This is another optimized
world splash page set up...
Best Liquid Nutritional Supplement Available Anywhere!
SeaAloe USA Optimized World Splash Page Business For You

My Other Tips...

I use a national directory where I get backlinks which
also help push my websites. Yes - recripocal links are important.

While others are promoting and blasting to FFA's etc
I steer clear. I do not want my websites damaged in any way -
From my personal experience using FFA sites are a no no with

Keywords? Great for aol, msn, yahoo - Google looks at the
title and description - check your websites code does yours
have good ones?

Blogs are important:

How I blog - words I use - How I link - How I get
top search engine positions, blogging helps push
my websites to the top of searches. Blogging
is not the only ingredient - You must have an
optimized website for best results. Do not
promote affiliate websites.
When blogging - For instance - look at my website then look at
all the different pages using different url's.. So when I blog I include
as many of these url's as possible - I want everything on my website
recognized not just one page. So I link everything! The more pages
on your website the better...

This may seem complicated although its really easy once
you learn the technique...

Heres an example - Watch what I do here...Don't get lost
when reading all this its like i said an example of including all
pages from your website in a blog with good keywords to
push you to the top!

If you do this on a word press blog they will shut you
down. They find it suitable to throw advertising all over
your blog although if you advertise your company they consider
it spam - isn't that a piece of work! Get your own self hosted wordpress blog
where you have full control and advertise to your hearts content...

Check out herb shops in alabama - herb shops in athens alabama,
herb shops in huntsville alabama, herb shops in Guntersville Alabama
herb shops, herb shop - Use different terms - make a domain similiar
to what search words your using...What I do here is offer anyone wishing
my help with the directory's and top listings to put SeaAloe in their
place of business and I will help promote them
Heres my url for that example for that blog topic: I just started this a few
weeks ago and already knocked all off the page in athens alabama herb shops
and alabama herb shops at the time of this writing - herb shops and herb shop next!


Heres my winner because it is the best - liquid supplement - liquid nutritional
supplement - whole food - to put in your herb shop or health food store, health and
fitness, energy, vitamin product - best you will find anywhere

Cathys Home Business SeaAloe - Feel Great

To Buy SeaAloe some people search it as Sea Aloe - I would use the
words - buy seaaloe, buy sea aloe, order seaaloe, order sea aloe, sea aloe online,
words like that. Yes I am Cathy Romine - SeaAloe Alabama because I live
in Alabama and I knock everyone else off the page for that search...

Cathys Home Business Networking SeaAloe Nationwide, order SeaAloe

Ok - my personal domain for mySEOshop which is the first
self serve website optimizer, I use words like search engine optimization,
website optimization, SEO, seo home business, home business SEO, google rankings,
web search, search engine, search engines - look at this url

Search Engine Optimization

Another url from my website with some good search words - content
is the same as the above on that page although its another link pushing
my website to the top of google searches.

Cathys Home Business Networking

Of course don't forget this one...When your dominating searches and people are
wanting to know what it is your doing and a little about you include your who is
Do a google on cathy romine - you will see I've been busy on the net building
my business. Invest the time it will pay off for you in the long run.

Who Is Cathy Romine_AVON Representative_Alabama

Ok, what business is huge on the net? What does people love doing?
Shopping! purchasing products, buying from home. Some people love a free
business. MyPowerMall you can join for free and shop plus earn money
giving away free Power Malls...Might as well throw that in to your mix.


Plan4Power is a group of marketers who go into group fed
paying progressive company's together on a one time out of
pocket cost of $25. This is not a get rich quick program and you
must be a little active to progress. If your new to the internet this
group of marketers will help teach you the ropes...$25 to spend
and everything to gain...Plan4Power is where I began and learned
the basics...So It will remain in my mix...

Cathy Romine_Plan4Power

Well heres one I simply don't have time for anymore because its one
of those internet programs, could be good if you want to constantly promote
and get others to join spending $600 per year with no real products of benefit
other than the same old internet junk - social networking - blogs - classified ads -
forum - chat rooms - yikes $600 and they drop out or join for free...sure does cost
alot for that doesn't it? Well I'm tired of chasing my tail on stuff like that, don't know
about you but I like building myself and taking my SeaAloe feeling great - putting
on my AVON makeup and looking decent, lol and letting people search for
that famous - cosmetic beauty makeup...Did you look at how many millions
are in those search results? Compare those to the few with Giblink - now
chose for yourself what company would you build? Where is your success
the best?

Keep joining the company's on the net, matrix type programs and
you will die tired, frustrated and broke, follow my lead and you could
be the next internet millionaire not in the 97% who fail!

Heres what I have to say about Giblink on my website if you'd care
to take the time to look - yes I include this in blogs also - Everything!
More links to push me to the top...


So in conclusion to everything I've done on the net from a newbie three
years ago to now beginning to dominate the search engines, having those
SEO experts in forums laughing saying what I'm doing can't be done, this
Alabama grandmother is going to make them eat my dust...While they talk
about how much expertise they have and sell you stuff where you get no
results - you better ask for proof of their work! While they spend their time
putting others down I'll be on the net proving them wrong...They talk pretty
and sound educated although can't show you where they dominate anything!

Here's my latest because yes Cathy Romine got fed up with the internet
scams and so called guru's who love selling useless tools to newbies
that get you NO Where! If they claim to be a 7 figure income earner and are
not in search engines - STEER CLEAR - they are no benefit to you
and if you join their programs or company's they will either shut down
or not pay or you will have a slow boat to China trying to build it to
ever be in profit...Believe it or not - I'm here to tell the truth and show
you if this little old lady can do it and learn this stuff so can you...

I'll be glad to help or answer questions but I won't do your work for
you. You must be willing to spend the time just as I had to do...
Keep in mind I know nothing about SEO, search engine optimization,
never claimed to. What I do know is this system and following SEO
Expert Mark Genovese has put me number 1 in many google searches
and believe it or not at the time of this writing January 19, 2009 I've
only known him for 5 months...I expect to dominate the major searches
that has 200,000,000..If I can get on the first page of the ones with over
a million in a few months that should be a piece of cake before long.

Ready for more links from my website I blog?
Grand_Slam_Marketing_Team_Alabama_Buy_Sea_Aloe (my domain for SeaAloe)

Ok - one affiliate page that I do use and blog -

Why I promote mySEOshop affiliate website? It is optimized and includes my other
business which pushes them both to good search positions with google, etc PLUS
see the .seo extention on the end - I'm going for top search positions in SEO, Search
engine optimization, website optimization..Billion dollar industry and that .seo extention
has never been done before...Its working you'll see it in the search results -
look at SEO Athens Alabama - look for the http://mySEOshop.net/2.seo and theres a

I add this to my blogs also -
Cosmetic Makeup Beauty Perfume Fragrances, AVON
Mary Kay - buy avon, sell avon, avon in alabama, buy avon in
alabama, sell avon in alabama, order avon online, order avon, Alabama
Cosmetics Beauty Makeup

OK - I'm about to wind it up if your still paying attention - If you are
then there's hope for you...Good for you! Look at this one
Its another I add to my blog with all the others above - about the
same info I have on the optimized world splash page for
Cosmetics Beauty Makeup although another link to help
push it to the top of searches... (remember the more pages the better results!)


Again, heres the portal with SeaAloe-USA. This is an awesome opportunity -
a health product of benefit for your health - a true SEO expert who has taught me the
ropes and spends his time helping others unselfishly...

Wonderful Business Opportunity
Best Liquid Nutritional Supplement Available Anywhere!
Hope you check it out!


Any questions feel free to email me - I highly recommend using this search engine
advertising (steer clear of search engine advertising companys where you get no
results) I highly recommend at least joining mySEOshop affiliate program and helping
other to know the difference - SeaAloe for your health - AVON for your looks, lol - not
really - AVON because if your sitting in top search positions you should make some
money - AVON is a household name and a very low cost start up business and
again - if your a business owner or top producer contact me to get your business
system using the Optimized World Splash Pages!

Best Regards,

Cathy Romine


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

AVON | Buy AVON | Sell AVON | Build Your AVON or ANY Online Business In Google






The Facts: You Are Here Because You Found This Website More Than Likely Searching Online. No doubt you have been bombarded with offers in your email of promises to sell you hits to your website which believe me does ZIP - or perhaps been told to buy search engine backlinks, etc...Another ZIP...Or the worst mistake of all, advertising in some of those directory's which WILL NOT Build your business in search engines - you are included on pages with competition - Why would you throw your money away?

Who Do You Believe? Clear Choice - I'm Number One In Google Searches - Actually Many Search Results I knock my competition off the page. Keep in mind I know nothing about SEO, Search Engine Optimization. I made my share of mistakes, spent tons of money getting ZERO Results until I found my connection...

Have You Heard If You Follow Your Dreams It Will Pay Off? I Continued To Follow My Dreams - I invested in my business - Not only hard earned money - I invested hours upon weeks, months and years and then I Struck Gold! I Found My Connection...

If You Are Truly Serious About Building Your Business, Whether It be AVON (A Very Popular Product) SeaAloe - (My Number One Business) - mySEOshop (The Billion Dollar Industry) Or One Your Already Promoting If You Follow My Instructions And Invest In Your Business You Too Can Rank #1 In Search Engines and Blow Your Competition Away!

First: Why I Choose AVON? AVON is a Global Business. Millions Search Daily Online For This Product. AVON is a household name. To be successful - SELL Quality - SELL Real Products With Benefits. AVON's Products Are Simply The Best In The Cosmetic, Beauty, Makeup and Perfume Industry and A Company You CAN Be Successful With...If you simply use AVON for the product - Be Aware it is so simple to become a representative and receive the discounts...If You Buy The Product - Save Money By Selling Avon and Let Me Show You How To Earn A Paycheck Selling It!

Second: Why SeaAloe? Simply If You Don't Have Your Health, You Have Nothing!

If Your A Business Owner In The Health And Fitness, Nutritional Products, Fitness Centers, Hair or Beauty Industry

Click Here For Info

If You Add SeaAloe To Your Inventory We Will Help Promote Your Online Business

Third: Why mySEOshop? SEO is a Billion Dollar Industry. This is the first-of-its kind, Self-Serve Website Optimizer! I Am Number One In Searches Engines due to the fact I use optimized websites.

More Information On SEO, Search Engine Affiliate Or Optimize Your Website

Why Trust Us? If you know anything at all about the internet you pretty much can depend on the fact that the business you join will only offer you an affiliate page which builds their company and not yours. Everything you do will be redirected to the company store and any advertising you do using only that page will get you dead end results in ever becoming number #1 in major search results...

Lastly: If you have the desire to treat your online business as you would an offline business we offer the solution...Follow Our Proven Steps And You WILL Receive Results For Your Efforts!

"Coming Soon!!!"

Our Optimized Splash Pages To Build Your Business

Send Me An Email And Get On Our List To Be The First To Use This New Service!

"Change Your Future Forever!"

A New Day Of Internet Has Arrived - Build Your Business Not the Company Store!

"Don't Forget Your Health"

SeaAloe Liquid Nutritional Supplements:

Nutritional Supplements have become very popular in recent years. With
advancement in research and technologies, liquid vitamins have become
the intelligent alternative to hard pills and tablets. Our stomach was
not designed to digest "rocks" .

vitamins and minerals have already been dissolved and based on the most
up-to-date research, SeaAloe's liquid vitamins are the most complete
and effective formula available. Just one ounce is designed to provide
more energy, endurance, stamina and a strengthening of the immune

Many Of Our Customers Report Great Results Such As:

Better Focus - Better Sleep - Less Aches & Pains - Reduced Stress - Help With Allergies -
Clearer Skin - Stronger Nails - Shinier Hair & more.

day, thousands of individuals walk the vitamin aisles of health food
stores baffled by the hundreds of choices of bottles of pills and
tablets before them. SeaAloe's liquid vitamins are designed to
completely take the guesswork out of buying vitamins and minerals.

would take literally handfuls of pills to equal the 80+ liquid vitamins
and minerals in just one ounce a day. Most hard and
difficult-to-swallow pills are only absorbed between 10% and 20%. The
remainder can be found in the nation's sewer plants.

wasting your hard earned money on vitamin pills, and capsules. Joins
1000's of other health likeminded individuals that are already using
SeaAloe's intelligent alternative.

Contact me if you would like more info about the trade off - You sell SeaAloe in

your Herbal,
Health Food, Beauty Shop, Fitness Center, etc., We go to work getting
you listed in search engines independently without the high cost or the
directory's who also only add you to the competition and in doing so
want to build their search engine positions, not your's...

One Of My Online Mistakes - Do The Above - Real Products - Benefit - Be Proud Of What You Sell!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

We Will Help Build Your Online Business, AVON, Herbs, Fitness, Beauty Salons And More


We Will Promote You And Get You Listed In Google Searches!

Visit This Website If Your A Business Owner of Herb Shops, Herbal Products

Health and Fitness Industry Including, Health Food Stores, Gyms,

Beauty Salons, Fitness Centers, Coming Soon Beauty Products Swap - Yes,
I'll soon be adding AVON To Help Others Build their Beauty Business!

I'm located in Alabama although this applys to any state!

You Join Us - We Promote You...WIN - WIN...

Business Owners And Others Wanting To Work From Home Or Try
The Best Liquid Supplement Available Anywhere - SeaAloe!


If Your Looking For Work From Home - Read This!

I quit the online here today, gone tomorrow junk that robs people

of their hard earned money and their hopes of improving their

lifestyles, being burned constantly by all the scams and especially

programs where people either don't know how to recruit or if they do

their downline constantly drops out, continuous cycle - 95% will

never make a dime and those that do are lucky to recover their

monthly fees.

To be successful my first tip is sell quality - sell a product that

you can be proud to have your name associated with on and off

line and ESPECIALLY Products that are USEFUL! Health- SEO-

Beauty! Improve your chances, Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Ready

To Build Your Future!

Especially if your a business owner and wish your product to be in top

searches - Visit this website!


My name is Cathy Romine and I work closely with an SEO Expert, Mark Genovese.

We are membes of SeaAloe, city-centers and mySEOshop. If your looking

for the truth or a way to build your business for the future you need us.

We use the first of its kind affiliate program where if you have

a large downline we are looking for JV Partners and as an

affiliate you can join FREE and EARN, Plus you can promote

mySEOshop and build whatever other business you do online

and get them listed in search engines.


Contact me if you would like more info and be sure to read my

optimized website how someone who knows nothing about SEO

is number one in many google searches.

Cathy Romine

Cathys Home Business Networking - Opportunities, Working From Home, Internet Income


P.S. I thought I'd experiment myself with tags herb shops, etc. In 2 days I am sitting

on first page of search in my home town - herb shops in Athens Alabama AND herb shops in Alabama - see for yourself!!!

So quit wasting your time - This is GOLD!

Making Money|mySEOshop|SEO|Internet Income|SeaAloe|Working From Home With Cathy Romine

My photo
Athens, Al, United States
Who-Is-Cathy Romine Listed on the first page of major search engine listings -