Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization
Are you working in the network marketing industry and it just don't seem to be working for you using the fancy company supplied replicated website? Are you one of the 98% of home business owners failling using the company replicated web sites in promoting "their business"...
STOP promoting "their business" and start today promoting "YOUR business"
Want to stop failing? Stop using what you have been using and try Worldwide Splash Pages!
Try marketing in the new era with World Wide Splash Pages. We put a SEO (Search Engine Optimized) City Splash Page between your online
marketing efforts and your company supplied Self Replicating Web Site that is only promoting "their business". Are you involved with one of these companies? Xooma Worldwide | 2plus7 | Youngevity | MyCityHealthShop | MyPowerMall | Trading Gold 4 Cash | Kangen Water | GBG Liquid Vitamins | Youngevity | SuperFruits GT |
Are you looking for great opportunities? Then get conected today to the future of Internet Marketing through MANE World Promotions New Worldwide Splash Pages..
many more opportunities for you to get an online business going the right way. Talk to Cathy Romine for the skinny on internet marketing, SEO splash pages and blogging!
Hello! My name is Mark Genovese I am the concept engineer behind the Worldwide Splash system. Our national product marketing city portals systems.
Local Search Is Coming Are You Going To Be Ready?
Allow me to share some facts with you!
Each city portal in our system has 80+ advertisements (links) placed to it from a national city directory. To acquire these advertising text links would cost each of our members $199. per year and we provide them to our members included in their monthly city portal subscription that is less then the link costs.
Our network systems are spidered by Google over 2000 times each day. Normal website get spidered once every 4 to 6 weeks.
We use over 10,000 gigabytes of bandwidth every month driving traffic to our clients.
We pay for advertising for each portal on numerous domains and website's bringing additional traffic to our members.
Start A Home Business In Your City - Build Your Home Business - Promote Your Home Business - Search Engine Marketing Portals
We Wish To Welcome All Xooma Distributors To Our Online Business Builders Network. Distributors From Many Network Marketing Companies Have Seen The Benefits Of Using Our National City Portal Systems!
Xooma A Great Company Providing Great Health and Nutrition Products That Are Changing Lives. Xooma Is Now Our Top Income Producing Company.. People Around The World Love Their Xooma.
View Our Current Product Lines, Service and Home Business Building Income Opportunity Portals:
Are you always wondering where to get money to pay your monthly bills and debts? Now we have the solution for you. We are offering to your financial success one of the hottest new ways to make money online without having to do a whole lot of link building and web site promotion. You see we do much of it for you..
There was a time when we didn't have to concern ourselves with all of this. But we are now going through the worst economic crisis since the great depression. Our optimized self promoting city splash pages are here to help you fight back against the worst economic crisis since the great depression.
Our system can be helping you drive traffic to your company account where you can make a substantial income from home using this search engine traffic. That is why we are offering the World Wide Splash System, an internet promotional system which many people have already started using to make money from the Internet.
These system's were created to help anyone achieve the incredible income they have always wanted!
If you are interested to participate and earn easy cash working from your home computer, please join one these programs below as soon as possible!
I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and years developing a formula that can help better promote my network marketing ventures for two reason.
One: I was sick and tired of failing
Two: I was sick and tired of recruiting others into one business venture after another only to see them fail as well!
How could anyone with a conscience in good faith recruit anyone in to a company that they themselves are not making it in and sleep at night?
We were doing it right.
We were following what out sponsor/upline said to do...
We joined the company under him which had a good product line...
We bought into our uplines marketing system and used it the way we were directed too...
We placed ads...
We bought into co-ops...
We listened to company calls...
We told anyone that came with in two feet of us about the product and opportunity...
We had our own domains and I personally bought and set up domain names for my downline members... (Hosting them on free servers ouch big mistake big mistake huge ) Folks I am not saying I did not make a few dollars at it I did, in fact one company we joined went from -0- to 5k per month in less than 3 short months...we just never got to that six figure monthly income that all companies are so proud to brag about. And we had to keep recruiting to replace the people that dropped out a never ending stressful circle ...there had to be a better way to build a business...what was I doing wrong and why was all that my team and I doing still not enough? Well read the next few paragraphs and you will know the answer and the solution..
Our national city marketing portals will be called by allot of names because they work and act in a manner similar to and in greater ways than many of the systems being touted by some of the largest internet marketing company online today. 99% of internet marketing companies today sell nothing but smoke and mirrors, they have a great marketing sales pitch with great professionally produced videos that tell you how good they are and how their systems will make you rich.
They earn millions of dollars each month telling you how good they are and why you need them...then all of the poor people suckered into using these wonderful system go to work trying to promote their business using the fancy website's sold to them by ole Joe marketer only after several months of paying Joe and finding no up tic in business sales volume people quit using Joe's services and perhaps quit the company their dreams were built on.All though no marketing system can guaranty that you will get sales we strive to show you the truth in the internet market game.
The fact is that most all internet marketing systems are constructed/programmed alike in a manner that uses YOU the people/distributors that are paying to use Joe's services in a manner that only promotes the sales of joe's marketing systems and not the products or services of the distributors paying for joe's system.
Here is a little secrete that no network marketing company, no distributor selling marketing website's or marketing tools for that company, no splash pages creator, lead capture pages, no company offering you free web hosting, and defiantly the search engine companies don't want you to know? The secrete is simple THEIR WEB SYSTEMS DO NOT WORK FOR THE DISTRIBUTORS THAT ARE PAYING FOR OR USING THEIR SYSTEMS AND TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY THE DISTRIBUTORS PAYING TO UES THEM ARE ONLY MAKING THE MARKETING SYSTEM COMPANY OR THE FREE WEB HOSTING COMPANY OWNERS RICHER AND RICHER. THE MORE PEOPLE THAT USE THESE SYSTEMS THE MORE POWERFUL THEY BECOME FOR THE DOMAIN OWNERS! This would include but is not limited to direct sales companies, MLM companies, Lead Capture Page companies, Free Hosting companies, Free advertising companies (and most of the paid ones), splash page generator companies, and the list goes on and is long..
As a sample lets say you joined and became a distributor of the ABC company and they gave you or again to ad insult to injury they sold you a web site to promote their products (Why would anyone pay a company to sell their products?) and build a business income from you. As a distributor of the ABC company you will have a URL/web site looking somewhat like: or then as you go out and try to promote your shinny new URL by placing ads and links to your web sites in your social networks, blogs, and at other of the millions of places that allow links and advertising here's what happens. Yes someone might see the ad or link you posted and click on it and order your product thereby earning you a commission, BUT the majority of sales occur when people search for what they want or are looking for in the search engines!
You can prove this point by typing in keywords related to your company, product or service in any search engine and you will see the company number one in that search engine not your company supplied at the top...
Now have you ever asked yourself how did the company get to the top of the search engine when the company dose not go out promoting their main domain on the internet? Well most think it is simply because they are the company and magically deserve to be there! But it is not that simple, in fact it is because the company has distributors doing their advertising for them and don't need to concentrate on internet advertising.
When distributor (YOU) start placing their links to all over the internet the search engines send out spiders/bots automatically searching the internet for new domains, files, images etc.. to put in their searchable data base. When one of these spiders find a link you placed online they follow that links back to there they compare (your account) to (the company account)
The search engine see's both pages are carbon copies of one-another so the search engine not wanting 100's or 1000's of identical web pages in their data base they only index the company domain and not
So now when people are searching the internet for your product they find the company domain and make their order creating an orphan sale. (an orphan sale is a sale that has no sponsor and the company pays no commission on that sale) Yes there are always exceptions to every rule and yes you can see some users accounts get indexed in search engines and the reasons for this are many but 98% of distributors will fail after working very hard to promote their new business. This same rule applies to Free Domain hosting companies, splash page companies, lead capture systems, and other marketing tool website's that are sold to distributor that replicate 100's or 1000's of identical accounts. This page is not to give you a complete understanding of how search engines work or even why most marketing tool website don't work that would take a rather thick book. My reason for this is to give you a basic understanding of why most people will fail in online marketing.
Direct sales through network marketing is the greatest income generating industry on earth yes it can work for anyone willing to step outside their comfort zone and work hard for their future. If you are expecting overnight riches or instant gratification you are in or looking at the wrong industry. Having and promoting your own home based business is hard work and if you are not willing to work for your future keep your day job!
The power of the internet is the same power that makes network marketing such a powerful way to earn a living, and that power is your power "power of the people!"
One person can do allot online in today's internet, but 1,000 people can do 1,000 time what one person can do and 10,000 people can do even more.
Part of our systems are designed to use the power of the people to harness the power of the internet search engines to send and share the riches available to anyone willing to step up and see the forest through the trees.
We have developed what I like to call the internet's first natural search results co-op system.. a network of companies with a network of distributors all working in tandem to share their products and services with the world. The distributors on a company start to use one of our system and before long usually with in the first month or so have their company portal coming up in search engines in more ways than can be written here.
LOCAL SEARCH RESULTS the internet is an ever evolving system where most search engines have been and are now trying to harness the power of local search results. Google is the front runner in these efforts to make their results more localized. These changes in in the search engines will create havoc in the SEO world (search engine optimization) having SEO companies scrambling to figure out how to get their clients back into the local search results as they have been so good at up until these new local search algorithms take affect.
We have know about search engines going towards local search for several years and it is now about to be our time in the sun. Our systems are programmed for and targeting local search positioning. Our city portals do not spawn an unlimited number of web pages as with most other marketing systems. Our system have only one website (city portal) each city in the U.S.A. that's it ...only one distributor in each company can have a particular city! Once a city is assigned to a distributor it is theirs for as long as they keep it rented.
Search Engine Evolution of a portal:
As with any new web sites it takes a bit of time to iron out where it will land in the search engines. With our portal systems this is even more of an evolution then with most other kinds of domains. When we put up a new portal system all though it will appear in the search engines almost immediately it dose however take a few months to get the portals becoming constant in the search engines. What normally happens first if the main domain will show up in the search engines then you in a week or so start seeing state portals some not even in your state will start to appear and then a month or so later you will begin to see city portals start popping up when searching your company's name or product keywords from your city. The portal systems has thousands of cities and all the state pages for the search engines to index and this dose not happen all at once it happens in stages as links are followed and spidered by the search bots/spiders.
It can take up to 8 weeks or more for a portal to start performing to its optimum in the search engines and their are a thousand factors that make it work real well or not work well at all and the biggest of them evolve around the people/distributors that uses or don't use a portal. One thing that gives are portals local relevance is its connection to a national city directory that has placed over 80 links to each of the cities in our portals.
How Do People Find You In Our City Portal System?
Our product promotional portals have 3 types of web pages:
First is the main domain you are here at the product domains direct people to the state portals
Second we have state portals you can see the state portal links in the bottom of this portal These state portals direct traffic to individual city portals
Third we have the city portals these are the portals that distributors of the companies listed on this site rent to promote their business opportunity with in the company they choose to promote These city portals send traffic to your company website
The answer to the question is extremely lengthy and many. The easiest answer is through search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo along with many others. But our system is set up to give our users optimal exposure and share equally all traffic generated to un occupied cities. Let say a person who lives in Eugene Oregon searches a keyword and finds one of our main portal domains. That person clicks on the main portal link and finds basic information about the product/service they were looking for or is of interest to them. They read the page and see that they need to choose a state to continue reading about the product/service so since they live in Oregon they click on the Oregon link. Now on that page they find a little bit more information about the product/service then are prompted to click on a link to their city in this case Eugene Oregon.
Now lets say as a sample that the ABC company portal system has 3 distributors in Oregon using our portal system. One has rented Salem, one in Albany, and one in Portland but their is no distributor in our ABC portal system who has rented Eugene. The person who came to our portal from the search engine or other means just happens to live in Eugene Oregon and clicks the Eugene link. If you were a ABC distributor and had taken Eugene Oregon then your information would be shown to that visitor but since in our example here no one had rented Eugene what happens is the really cool thing about our portal system! One of the distributor that had rented Salem, Albany or Portland Oregon would now show on the Eugene portal in rotation. So if our portal visitor came to one of our portals from wherever and no one was renting their city then that person would be shown information from another distributor renting a city in that state.
Now as I said our national portal system is connected to a national city directory that is burning over 8,000 gigabytes of bandwidth per month. This is generating millions of hits to the city directory every month and this traffic is then shown banners and links to the products and services we have portals for thereby funneling traffic to our portal systems.
Our city portals also allow the users to ad links to other website's, blogs or social networks they use in the promotions of their product/services. This ability to add links to other website's, blogs or social networks help in pushing the members website's, blogs or social networks linked to up in the search engines adding other ways for people to find the distributors information.
Our portals are linked from 100's of domains and many portal members know the power of the internet and blog their state portal for additional link potential, so to give an detailed list of ways you can be found in our portals would be impossible.
Remember the most important thing about our portals are these portals are not Self Replicated Website's when our members promote their city portals they are helping themselves and not the company they are promoting. The power of these systems are immense and we use the power to direct visitors to our members that are renting our system where as promoting a company supplied system you are basically working for the company store.
Find a portal to the company you are now a distributor for and/or find a product portal selling a products you are interested in to find your local distributor to start your own home based business today.
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Avon Home Business Opportunity - Avon Reps Join our online marketing system to expand your local advertising..
Join The Avon Home Business Opportunity Avon cosmetics are world-renowned for their superior quality and value. Whether you're looking for a plumping lip color, protection from the sun, or that perfect shade of shadow, stay-true color and a flawless application ensure that you'll always look your best. For more than 100 years, Avon associates have created personal relationships with their customers while gaining valuable entrepreneurial experience.
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National Alkaline Ionized Water Portal where our goal is to help you find your nearest Enagic Kangen Water Distributor and to learn about the benefits of Alkaline, Ionized, Kangen Water.
Build a worldwide business with this affordable home business opportunity. Join and with each 2 people you refer to the 2plus7 matrix you cycle, for each of the next seven from anyone above you you cycle again...Get the details and get going referring your friend into this one line worldwide matrix system.
This portal system is FREE for all 2plus7 members for the first year yes for all 2plus7 matrix members this marketing system is free. After the first year the subscription fee is only $10.95 per month. Again just pay set small up fee of $10.95 to get started using this national 2plus7 marketing system. (Available To all 2plus7 members Worldwide)
2plus7 One Line Down Line
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Again My name is Mark Genovese I am the concept engineer behind the Worldwide Splash system.
Please alow me to introduce you to a few facts and introduce you to a man you may never know but may owe a great deal of gratitude to. My friend and my Mentor who once told me:
"Mark you are either crazy or a genius and looking at world history those people that really changed history for the better were a little of both" Kevin Anderson Founder Cognigen Communications, Inc.
Rest In Peace My Friend Until We Meet Again! Kevin and Laurel Anderson
Still to this day I have yet to meet a man with so different of goals as mine but so much the same! The late Kevin Anderson was taken many many years to early. He was the founder of Cognigen Networks, Inc. He was my online friend and mentor who without Kevin motivating me I would have given up and quit the internet long ago. Kevin was the first person ever online to create a self replicating web system.
Allow me to share some facts with you!
Each city portal in our system has 80+ advertisements (links) placed to it from a national city directory. To acquire these advertising text links would cost each of our members $199. per year and we provide them to our members included in their monthly city portal subscription.
Our networking systems are spidered by Google over 2000 times each day.
We use over 10,000 gigabytes of bandwidth every month,
We have advertising for each portal on numerous domains and website's bringing additional traffic to our members.
His dream was to give people of all classes a free opportunity to make a living from home in the telecommunications industry. I have had the pleasure of his advise on so many topic from web design, server management to networking and it all made me a better person. Although Kevin was into selling telecommunication products I can not remember a conversation where he tried to get me to promote his company products. You see folks we talked mainly about marketing systems and how to better them for the people that used them. He was always on the look out for way to help his people! I wish he was around today to see the WorldWide Splash portals that I dedicated to the memory of my dear friend Kevin Anderson!
He will be missed more then I could ever express in words. But what he had taught me will live on and has now evolved into the next generation on internet marketing tools built on Kevin's philosophy of "it's all about helping People".
We The People in the online marketing world if we stick together we can overcome any obstacle and grow our individual business' and help other do the same!
Every network marketing company online today that uses a self replicating web site owe their success to this man. Every successful networker online that uses replicator technology owes their success to this man. He gave up billion (s) of dollars in potential income to give the world this technology, he battled in court the evil giant in the computer world who tried to claim they invented Kevin's software and he defeated them to keep this world changing software free to the world! In all my life I have never had the pleasure of knowing anyone that has affected my life like Kevin has. Although all our communications were by email, messenger or phone I was going to go to Seattle Washington in September 93' to meet with him to discuss my concepts of helping people. But as faith would have it I was thrown into one of the greatest depression I had ever suffered when I got the news that Kevin had passed away suddenly due to a long illness while on vacation with his family. I was devastated to say the least and still today am many years behind where I could have been if he had lived. I miss him and although most internet marketers have never herd of him they should miss him as well..
All I have done online is a direct result of this True Humanitarian that the world owes but will never know!
I have wonder many times over the years building testi9ng and failing at building the perfect marketing system was Kevin right am I crazy to think that a perfect system could be built that will give those using it a better chance at making a living from the internet?
Well I think I have had great success since my last conversation with my dear friend Kevin. I know if the people use what I have build over the past several years at great expence I know they will be better at what they do! Kevin was into self replicating web systems and worked day and night on ways to make them better, my goals were along simular lines and were to make systems that would be use to enhance the companies self replicating system allowing people to use our system that is search engine optimized for the user and the users own home town.