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Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization

Monday, November 24, 2008

Are You Ready For Success | Join Cathy Romine | SEO optimization | Internet Income | Working From Home | All Starts Here

Cathy Romine, Internet Income, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Working from home, mySEOshop
mySEOshop News

From The Desk Of:
Mark Genovese

Hello Future mySEOshop members!

Reading this now will increase your chances of being one of the next success stories we are all striving to become!

If all your marketing is working and your making the big bucks then don't read this.. but if all you do online seems not to be bringing in better results you need to read every word of this or you are doomed to be a statistic!

I wanted to write and share with all our Free and Enrolled members the progress being made to make mySEOshop the best Affiliate program on the net, and The Best Marketing System, and Best Web Promotions system ever built!


WARNING: First you all must know that we will soon be under attack from every SEO expert on the planet, our system will put in jeopardy their very lively hoods or they will think it will. When you put ones lively hood in jeopardy they attack in force it is only human nature to try and protect their income. Webmasters and SEO experts are all welcome in our program, it can make them better at what they do. Most business owners that are using SEO companies will get an awaking when they see this simple but complicated program in action! SEO experts and webmasters too can use our system to learn how to better provide their services to their existing clients manually and still make money with our system selling web promotions packages!

Making a website ready to be #1 on the search engines is or was a complicated task, mySEOshop will change that once and for all, forever!

Yes we are only in pre-launch but have only a short way to go. We are working 18 hours a day to build you the perfect program.

We understand the world economy and that digging in ones pocket to retrieve even the $99 enrollment fee can be hard for some people! But if you have the $99 to upgrade to an enrolled member I suggest you do it before the cost goes up to $499 a year once we launch.

More and More new members are joining every day!

You can be among the first in this amazing SEO program. If you look at any opportunity...who are those...that are banking the most money?

It is the ones who were sitting right where you are now. The first people to take advantage of pre launch opportunities and or to be the first ones into that mlm companies program!
These are the folks in most cases (success stories) who are now swinging in hammocks on a beach on some paradise island or the ones that could be! Where will you be next year?

Some companies have created multi- millionaires in their first year of operation generating 6 and 7 figure incomes. We Will Make Some Of You Millionaires Will You Be The Next?

We believe that mySEOshop has more then the potential to be one such program, but only for those that take the time to learn a few simple steps about internet marketing and make their account pay them what they are worth! $99 is all it takes to get all the benefits we have to offer. Upgrade your account by clicking the enroll now button in your back office. This will tell your sponsor you are serious about making it big online.

What we can teach you will not only help you build a successful income with our program but in other programs you are building or website's you are promoting as well! Our system is built to promote you and your opportunities along with our SEO services and affiliate program.

Success Requires a few simple steps

1, Your Own Domain
(set up at a minimum a simple splash page not a commercial money making scam you pay some company month after month for that is in actuality just promoting another company store and not you. You need the ability to add or remove links on your web page)

2. Good content on your splash page. You need the ability to add new content and again links to your site.

3, Your site must be optimized for high placement in search engines (we will be teaching all enrolled members how to do this)

4, You need links pointing to your website and from your website
(Reciprocal or some call them back links)

5, You need to have a constant increase in the links pointing to your website
(this shows search engines your site is growing in popularity if links are declining then so will your SEP)

I have been making business website's number one in search engines for years now, and you as an enrolled mySEOshop member can learn to take advantage of all we know about web SEO and promotions. We will not only earn you more money with our program you will grow any existing opportunities you are in; faster then you ever thought possible.

Not to burst anyone's bubble here but facts are facts, and the number one reason people fail is promoting unpromotable systems.

If you are trying to grow a business online using an affiliate URL there is a 99.9% chance that you will be one of the 97% of new marketers that will fail in internet business industry worldwide!

I am not going into the lengthy explanation of why that would take a book, but in short it is that almost every mlm company and affiliate marketing program on the internet is rigged to make their members and affiliates fail knowingly or unknowingly! Granted most company owners do not even know their website's don't work for internet marketing. They believe that what they provide there distributors will work but then again they are product manufactures and not internet marketers.

Any company offering a free replicate website to entice people into joining their company are leading people down the preverbal road to failure. Some even sell their members domains and have these domains redirected to their affiliates account in the replicator system. Although that is great for newspaper ads and business cards it does nothing to help get your products services or website seen or indexed in the major search engines! If you are redirecting domain names to an affiliate program thinking this domain name will get you in the search engines you are throwing money down the preverbal black hole!

A search engine spiders a web page once it has been rendered or resolved or as it would be once loaded in a web browser, if yours is resolving to a company replicated website the the spiders will search your site and compare it to the main domain...If your site and the main domain are a carbon copie of one another then the main domain will get the points for the links the spider followed through your redirected domain!

The only way to get your account with the company getting more traffic is to set up a splash page and put as many back links or reciprocal links to it as you can. Then on the splash page put one two or three links to your company supplied replicator site! This is how you promote your business and stop promoting the company store!

Some of our members here have placed links to their replicating sites and although these links will not help in gaining search engine position they can and will be seen by others and perhaps get you some new business.

Prove it to yourself go to Google.com and search this question (yes you can find answers in Google searching questions) "

Can self replicated website get listed in search engines"

I hope once you can get your own domain set up you will see a big difference!

We are still testing the e-mail functions at mySEOshop and wanted to send you a few banners to use in promoting your mySEOshop.

We have finished the payment process and have sent out all currently owed affiliate bonuses. Thank you to those that have signed up new enrolled members.

We are looking for new affiliate recruiting banners, if you send banners in and we place them on our page for other affiliate to use, your name and link will appear above your banners as a thank you!

I will be sending the next e-mail this week end explaining why you need to get your 3 free articles put in your mySEOshop.

I will be sharing exciting news on how enrolled members can add their existing business names to their mySEOshop.net url's by creating your own custom virtual directory! Until next new letter thank you all for joining and happy marketing!

Mark Genovese

Ready To Be Part Of The First SEO Self Serve Optimizer? Join Cathy Here...

I Use MySEOshop To Build My Seaaloe Alabama Business - Do a google search - put Seaaloe Alabama in your browser - Alabama Internet Income - Making money in Alabama - I am listed #1 in google many places - Thank You, mySEOshop and Mark!

Making Money|mySEOshop|SEO|Internet Income|SeaAloe|Working From Home With Cathy Romine

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