Free affiliate program then grab a banner and put it on your blog or website to create a reciprocal link. This free program will add a link to your website and you then adding a link back will make it the absolute best kind of link..."A Reciprocal Link" without Reciprocal Links your site will slowly flounder in the sea of websites online today!
More free advertising can be acquired go to and go to your state and city and join the free Host Master program. This is equal to thousands of dollars worth of advertising each host can receive for FREE just for putting information about your city into our Data Base. Our national city directory will give each Host Master 115 times more promotional benefits than buying an ad in, DexDirect, SuperPages or any national over priced self promoting advertising website online today!
As for Affiliate programs Motivation is big business, that is why Mark Genovese, SEO Expert,
President/CEO of Mane World Promotions, Inc and city-centers, created the affiliate marketing system. It is a system that those people that join the Six Minutes To Success program can use for a small monthly fee that will allow them to add up to SIX more reciprocal links to their one domains.
You can test out the Six Minutes To Success System Free for 7 days, before the 7 days are up you can cancel the subscription but retain the affiliate program to earn extra income. Our System, the
"Optimized World Splash Page" you can continue to rent for the reciprocal links if you wish for the affiliate program.
Folks that can see the MASSIVE potential can market the Six minute program using their website or get one of our optimized splash pages and add links back to the blogs or site they are using to promote the Six Minutes To Success program.
Each is self promoting having links pointing to it from over 115 web portals in each city in the United States.
Anyone trying to market anything online must understand the importance of having links pointing to their website or blog and then pointing the links back from where they are linking. Anyone not having their own optimized website or blog is just a statistic waiting to happen! Free Web Hosts are a great place to learn a little bit about web building but are in 99.9% of the time set up to promote the web hosting company and not the domain owner! The free hosts will hide your web site's HTML code behind a frame set that has promotions for their company on the page that actually loads. Most website constructed on FREE Web Hosting Servers and using their WYSIWYG web site your web pages using what is called Layers! Layers are floating table cells that are floating above your website's pages and the search engine spiders DO NOT or CAN NOT read the text or information in these layers.
So in conclusion Free Web Hosts get more than the advertising they place on your website they get you the domain owner to promote them when you are thinking you are promoting your own business! The old saying you get what you pay for is true in online marketing!
The First Thing Anyone MUST have to be successful on the internet is an Optimized Website and a good
hosting company. A Hosting company which will not have you promoting them but yourself. We tell you the truth...Believe it or not - do it or not - its totally your choice. Today is your lucky day - What are you going to do with the information? Build your future or chase after the internet scams?
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