I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Cathy Romine,
I have been on the internet for years and took all the hard
knocks and jumped through all the hoops to get my
business where it is today.
I built my business quite
different than most. I built it by spending 14 - 16 hours
per day for 4 years. I did get lucky early on because
of my determination. I pretty much made a few dollars
here and there, struggled through all the programs that
seemed to hit the internet one after another, spent tons of
money and then insted of throwing up my hands and
saying enough I changed my course.
Going from Team Builder Manager to Management Teams
I found was no guaranteed success and as we all know not only
do 99% fail (YES I SAY 99%) 75% of the programs will not
remain in business long enough to pay you a dime. Another
20% will simply succeed because you never seem to accumulate
enough return to be in profit, anyone can stay in business
if they are bringing in more than they are paying out.
I work closely with Large, Successful Teams and we scout
the best work from home businesses with legite company's.
One of my best friends on the internet whom I was fortunate
to meet is an SEO Expert in every sense of the word, taught
me how to dominate search engine advertising. He owns
an National Directory similiar to yellow pages only better.
His directory located in every city in every state in the USA
promotes his customers and not himself building each in
search engines.
We don't use the affiliate pages when we join a business
we have our own WorldWide Optimized Websites which
is why we are on the first page in every google search for
what we sell. I can actually say not only am I usually #1
in Google and other engines, I knock most everyone off the
ENTIRE FRONT PAGE! Yes, most searches on the first page
usually belong to Cathy Romine or Mark's systems where
are members promote their businesses.
Here's the best part, We help you...Keep in mind when
building your business - Only Legite, High Demand Products,
Established Company's, SEO Training and Optimization for
everything you do available to your business. Give us a try. Look at what I
will be sharing with you over the next few days and be prepared
to soar to new heights in internet marketing.
Subscribe For Training Here
Cathy Romine