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Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization

Saturday, November 29, 2008

SEO | Search Engine Optimization | Internet Income | Home Business | Website Optimization | mySEOshop

You Matter

We want to make you smile and here is how you can - as a mySEOshop affiliate. Help others smile too by sharing with them how they CAN become involved in a program so REVOLUTIONARY it will sweep around the GLOBE...

If you have not seen this short film we urge you to do so now!

It only takes 16 mins 23 secs to PROVE that you matter!

"One Person Can Make A Difference"

Yes mySEOshop CAN and WILL make people worldwide SMILE once again!

First, the network marketers that have never had an opportunity or the ones who did everything they were told to do with other programs and NEVER made the income promised (even with the best of products or services) Even the greatest of network marketing companies have huge member attrition rates (people quitting because it is not working for them) CAN and WILL Benefit from mySEOshop!

Why Listen To Us And Join mySEOshop? We Are For EVERYONE - Affiliates and Owners...

To the affiliate marketer who worked hard placing his affiliate links all over the internet only to see little of what was promised from the months/years of their marketing efforts!

And to the business owners in Dallas, London, Madrid or ANY City in Any Country Worldwide, who has spent a pile of cash building his companies website that has done little or nothing to help increase his business!

Yes YOU as a mySEOshop Enrolled member have a chance to bring SMILES to all these people faces!

Yes that's right YOU can teach others to do it RIGHT through mySEOshop.net

Teach the network marketers who are trying hard everyday to sell a product and or service they use themselves, how NOT to be DOOMED and turned into a statistic. Teach him/her why they may be wasting their time and failing. Teach others how to correct the bad marketing habits and show them why their website (s) don't work as the company promised.

Teach the affiliate marketers how they can start to get more clicks on their links; That can start them on their way to Financial Freedom..

For the business man or women who has built that great looking or not so great looking company website and teach them why it doesn't work! You have literally UNLIMITED opportunity as an ENROLLED member at mySEOshop...

You can also teach those spending $100's even $1000's a month for the SEO experts who are supposed to magically get them at the top of the Search Engines!

It is Tuesday morning and the BUZZ is beginning to circle the GLOBE about mySEOshop's Affiliate Opportunity.

A New Day In Internet Marketing And Website Promotions Is Finally Here!!!

- Self Services SEO Services
- Local, State Wide and National Web Promotions And Advertising Opportunity
- Generous Affiliate Program
- Super Generous Enrolled Member Program
So now is the time for YOU to get YOUR act together.

It is FREE to JOIN and just a FEW Dollars to Upgrade to the Top Of The Line Marketing Program...

Join In An Awesome Opportunity spreading Smiles Worldwide! Signup and become an Enrolled member today with mySEOshop.

mySEOshop Begins Here To Earn Money....Be sure to pay the few dollars to enroll, check out the pay!

I use my optimized website and mySEOshop to build that business and my others, Seaaloe, Giblink and Plan4Power and My Alabama Power Mall - I am number one in major searches, are you?

P.S. Need an optimized website to get top rankings in Search Engines? Here is an example of how
well this works...Chris Ware, Alpro Home Inspections, North Alabama Home Inspections, Madison County Alabama home inspections, State of Alabama home inspectors, City of huntsville Alabama home inspectors. When this was written he had become number one in a few days in major searches in his area and dominating the searches....

If your interested in getting an optimized website for your business - do so from the following link...

mySEOshop optimize my website....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What "GURU'S" Dont Want You To Know, mySEOshop, SEO optimizer

Free Worldwide Opportunity, Join Free Today Start Making What Your Worth Tomorrow!

I hope you take the time to read this because it will change your
future on the internet. My name is Cathy Romine and I've
been on the net a few years. I have made money, joined everything
and anything, followed, been a manager for various programs and
I'm sure just like you the end result is always the same - Downline
drops out or you promote something for FREE and get a bunch of
FREE members who do nothing and you end up frustrated and
move on to the next big program...

Buying all these advertising programs that do ZIP for building
you in search engines, mailers that take hours on end to
get any hits and blasting to FFA's sites, Search engine submitters
etc that do nothing - OUCH but get you blacklisted on google...Woops
did they not tell you this? More than likely if you've got your own
website its blacklisted if you've bought their junk...

Further more if you've purchased a website from most
of the company's on the net selling them such as the
website builder type programs your not advertising your
domain, your advertising the company website store...No
matter how hard you try you will NEVER get top search engine
position if you don't have the correct website...


An SEO Expert, Mark Genovese has stepped up to the plate
and put together the First-of-its-kind SEO Self-Serve Optimizer...
What I'm going to show you is how to quit joining all the CRAP
on the net that is making these "GURU'S" Richer and you

I busted my butt only to promote their programs and watch
them crash and burn one after the other or a constant
build due to the drop out rate...

If you ever, EVER, Wish to really, Finally earn income you MUST
quit believing all these lies - Quit making the Jane's and Mike's
and Rachel's Rich - Start making you some money....I'm telling
you - They Sell JUNK! Sure you might make a dollar here and there
but you will NEVER build a real business continuing down this path...

Join This Right Now and Be Determined you are Ready For Success!
We will teach you what you need to know to build your future -

Hope you listen...

The First Of Its Kind Self Serve Optimizer - Billion Dollar Industry!

Wishing You The Success You Deserve,

Cathy Romine

Here's My Optimized Website...

Yes, I dominate many top searches and I've only just

Example - Put the following in your browser - "alabama internet income" "buy seaaloe"

"seaaloe alabama" Many, many more...If your not building in search

engines, your getting no where! The Gurus don't use them much...They are
to busy selling junk, they don't need them, but you do if your ever going
to free yourself from their scams! Let us help you...We are the real deal...
The Rest Is Totally Up To You Whether You Believe Me Or Not...

Join Us - We are about to Sweep The Globe!

Join Us Here At mySEOshop

Monday, November 24, 2008

Are You Ready For Success | Join Cathy Romine | SEO optimization | Internet Income | Working From Home | All Starts Here

Cathy Romine, Internet Income, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Working from home, mySEOshop
mySEOshop News

From The Desk Of:
Mark Genovese

Hello Future mySEOshop members!

Reading this now will increase your chances of being one of the next success stories we are all striving to become!

If all your marketing is working and your making the big bucks then don't read this.. but if all you do online seems not to be bringing in better results you need to read every word of this or you are doomed to be a statistic!

I wanted to write and share with all our Free and Enrolled members the progress being made to make mySEOshop the best Affiliate program on the net, and The Best Marketing System, and Best Web Promotions system ever built!


WARNING: First you all must know that we will soon be under attack from every SEO expert on the planet, our system will put in jeopardy their very lively hoods or they will think it will. When you put ones lively hood in jeopardy they attack in force it is only human nature to try and protect their income. Webmasters and SEO experts are all welcome in our program, it can make them better at what they do. Most business owners that are using SEO companies will get an awaking when they see this simple but complicated program in action! SEO experts and webmasters too can use our system to learn how to better provide their services to their existing clients manually and still make money with our system selling web promotions packages!

Making a website ready to be #1 on the search engines is or was a complicated task, mySEOshop will change that once and for all, forever!

Yes we are only in pre-launch but have only a short way to go. We are working 18 hours a day to build you the perfect program.

We understand the world economy and that digging in ones pocket to retrieve even the $99 enrollment fee can be hard for some people! But if you have the $99 to upgrade to an enrolled member I suggest you do it before the cost goes up to $499 a year once we launch.

More and More new members are joining every day!

You can be among the first in this amazing SEO program. If you look at any opportunity...who are those...that are banking the most money?

It is the ones who were sitting right where you are now. The first people to take advantage of pre launch opportunities and or to be the first ones into that mlm companies program!
These are the folks in most cases (success stories) who are now swinging in hammocks on a beach on some paradise island or the ones that could be! Where will you be next year?

Some companies have created multi- millionaires in their first year of operation generating 6 and 7 figure incomes. We Will Make Some Of You Millionaires Will You Be The Next?

We believe that mySEOshop has more then the potential to be one such program, but only for those that take the time to learn a few simple steps about internet marketing and make their account pay them what they are worth! $99 is all it takes to get all the benefits we have to offer. Upgrade your account by clicking the enroll now button in your back office. This will tell your sponsor you are serious about making it big online.

What we can teach you will not only help you build a successful income with our program but in other programs you are building or website's you are promoting as well! Our system is built to promote you and your opportunities along with our SEO services and affiliate program.

Success Requires a few simple steps

1, Your Own Domain
(set up at a minimum a simple splash page not a commercial money making scam you pay some company month after month for that is in actuality just promoting another company store and not you. You need the ability to add or remove links on your web page)

2. Good content on your splash page. You need the ability to add new content and again links to your site.

3, Your site must be optimized for high placement in search engines (we will be teaching all enrolled members how to do this)

4, You need links pointing to your website and from your website
(Reciprocal or some call them back links)

5, You need to have a constant increase in the links pointing to your website
(this shows search engines your site is growing in popularity if links are declining then so will your SEP)

I have been making business website's number one in search engines for years now, and you as an enrolled mySEOshop member can learn to take advantage of all we know about web SEO and promotions. We will not only earn you more money with our program you will grow any existing opportunities you are in; faster then you ever thought possible.

Not to burst anyone's bubble here but facts are facts, and the number one reason people fail is promoting unpromotable systems.

If you are trying to grow a business online using an affiliate URL there is a 99.9% chance that you will be one of the 97% of new marketers that will fail in internet business industry worldwide!

I am not going into the lengthy explanation of why that would take a book, but in short it is that almost every mlm company and affiliate marketing program on the internet is rigged to make their members and affiliates fail knowingly or unknowingly! Granted most company owners do not even know their website's don't work for internet marketing. They believe that what they provide there distributors will work but then again they are product manufactures and not internet marketers.

Any company offering a free replicate website to entice people into joining their company are leading people down the preverbal road to failure. Some even sell their members domains and have these domains redirected to their affiliates account in the replicator system. Although that is great for newspaper ads and business cards it does nothing to help get your products services or website seen or indexed in the major search engines! If you are redirecting domain names to an affiliate program thinking this domain name will get you in the search engines you are throwing money down the preverbal black hole!

A search engine spiders a web page once it has been rendered or resolved or as it would be once loaded in a web browser, if yours is resolving to a company replicated website the the spiders will search your site and compare it to the main domain...If your site and the main domain are a carbon copie of one another then the main domain will get the points for the links the spider followed through your redirected domain!

The only way to get your account with the company getting more traffic is to set up a splash page and put as many back links or reciprocal links to it as you can. Then on the splash page put one two or three links to your company supplied replicator site! This is how you promote your business and stop promoting the company store!

Some of our members here have placed links to their replicating sites and although these links will not help in gaining search engine position they can and will be seen by others and perhaps get you some new business.

Prove it to yourself go to Google.com and search this question (yes you can find answers in Google searching questions) "

Can self replicated website get listed in search engines"

I hope once you can get your own domain set up you will see a big difference!

We are still testing the e-mail functions at mySEOshop and wanted to send you a few banners to use in promoting your mySEOshop.

We have finished the payment process and have sent out all currently owed affiliate bonuses. Thank you to those that have signed up new enrolled members.

We are looking for new affiliate recruiting banners, if you send banners in and we place them on our page for other affiliate to use, your name and link will appear above your banners as a thank you!

I will be sending the next e-mail this week end explaining why you need to get your 3 free articles put in your mySEOshop.

I will be sharing exciting news on how enrolled members can add their existing business names to their mySEOshop.net url's by creating your own custom virtual directory! Until next new letter thank you all for joining and happy marketing!

Mark Genovese

Ready To Be Part Of The First SEO Self Serve Optimizer? Join Cathy Here...

I Use MySEOshop To Build My Seaaloe Alabama Business - Do a google search - put Seaaloe Alabama in your browser - Alabama Internet Income - Making money in Alabama - I am listed #1 in google many places - Thank You, mySEOshop and Mark!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Internet Income | Working From Home | SEO | Search Engine Optimization | mySEOshop | Cathy Romine

Cathys Portrait

Mark Genovese has been working on a program that is sure to be one of the greatest affiliate programs ever launched on the internet, and I wish to share this great news with all of my Friends, Family and Associates. He has developed a software program from the ground up that will help many website owners around the world to optimize their current website for better search engine position in the major search engines.

We are now going into what is called pre-launch of our affiliate program, This is where we are offering people a chance to join our program for free and or become an enrolled member.

Our system has a few benefits that no other affiliate program on the internet has!

1. Our new program will allow all our free members to earn $25 on all enrolled members they refer to our program

a, Each free affiliate will get a fully optimized website to promote new affiliates just like this one

Click Here For SEO, search engine optimization self serve, mySEOshop from Cathy Romine

2. Our new program will allow our enrolled members to double their earnings making $50 for every enrolled member they personally refer

3. Our new program will also pay 30% commissions on all sales across the board!

4, Our new program will allow our enrolled members to post 3 articles about their existing business and place a link to that business from their account. These articles will rotate through out the entire system.

5. Each Enrolled member of our new program will receive two fully optimized websites to promote our services and to recruit new members

There is much, much, more to this and, again we are just going into pre-launch so please take a few moments and look over this site:

Click Here For SEO, search engine optimization self serve, mySEOshop from Cathy Romine

If you are up to making some good legitimate income to subsidize your current websites income, income from your job, or retirement income please join this exciting new program today! This is a pre-launch, if you enroll be sure to add your three articles to your back office creating more recripocal links and more ad's being seen...

"I have Already Been Paid With This Company!" Don't just look at it - Join it!

Visit Cathy Romine To Finally Make Money Working From Home - Yes, Internet Income...

I Completely Changed Everything I Do on the internet For Seaaloe and mySEOshop -
A product you can sell on and offline that everyone needs and a way to get top
search engine rankings - Join Us!

Cathys Home Business Networking

P.S. Need a home inspector in North Alabama? I'm using the optimized website to build advertising for Chris Ware - Alpro Home Inspections - Before long he should dominate in search engines -
He was the perfect example of someone to use - Hardworking - Certified State of Alabama, ASHI and a Certified FEMA Home Inspector - Because when disasters have happened and he has sacrificed to leave loved ones and his children - Chris is long overdue this recognition to be the best Home Inspector in the State of Alabama! This also proves mySEOshop is not only good for people who work online but any business wanting top search engine rankings. Call Chris Ware First!

Alpro Home Inspections

Chris Ware

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Seaaloe | Sea aloe | mySEOshop | Optimize Your Business | Internet Income | SEO | Cathy Romine

Whole food and business banner

My Top Picks!

Do a google search and you will see I am a member of the Grand Slam Marketing Team - Not only a "Feel Good" Nutritional Product a "Top Earner"! Put your efforts in this business and it will pay off by joining our team. We dominate 80% of Googles Traffic For SeaAloe, Thats everyones goals and we will help get you there. So Search - SeaAloe Alabama, Alabama SeaAloe, Buy Seaaloe Alabama -Buy Seaaloe, and more - You will surely find me and my team is where you belong...
Be Sure To Watch The Video's Listen to the infomercial and order the product to improve your overall well being. 90 Day Money Back Guarantee! A very Low Cost - High Profit Business...I have blogs all over the internet how SeaAloe has changed my life and definitely my focus on building a Real Business...

SeaAloe Is A True Work From Home Business On And Off The Internet - Health - Tools - Company offers
an infomercial radio co-op - Coming 2009 - TV Commercials and a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee - This is The Business Now And For The Future To Be Involved With - Join Us - Click Here Now To View My SeaAloe Alabama Domain...

Whether Health Or Business - Seaaloe is what everyone needs - build a business with a product
that you can sale on and off the internet!


MySeoShop - "Another Winner!

SEO clients may spend as little as $199 and as much as $70,000 depending on the size of their site and the link package they choose. Most will spend between $700 and $1,500 to get their site optimized. That represents $59.70 up to $21,000 to our resellers, with an average commission of around $330 for each sale. One sale each day represents an income of over $80,000 per year!
First-Of-It's-Kind SEO Affiliate Program - Yes, you can join FREE - Click Here!

"I know very little about SEO but the mySEOshop system does and now I am number one in google! I highly recommend mySEOshop to anyone that wants top positioning in Google" or just the opportunity for the Best Affiliate Program On The Internet! Two Years In The Making - First-Of-It's-Kind On The Internet. This is the System that
gave me Top Billing In Google - Ranked Number 1 In Many Searches in a very short period of time and I'm only just beginning - Heres a few examples if you'd like to see for yourself - Cathy Romine dominates - Thank you myseoshop!

Cathys Home Business Networking

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Self-Service SEO Optimization|SEO Search Engine|Google Top Rankings|First Of Its Kind

I Don't care if your Mike G - Guru or Joe Freebie - You Need This Business! Read
Entirely - Serious Marketers Will Read This Because We know they wish to
be educated - Quick join here do nothing people will not - they will
never build a true online
business, we all know that! Discover The Technology, Hundreds of
Thousands of dollars invested,
and the SEO Engineer Experts behind this First-Of-Its-Kind - Ever System!

You have never seen anything like this - I Promise and you have the
opportunity to
get involved and get everyone you know involved during this pre-launch.
Ground Floor Opportunity - Two Years In The Making on just this one system
not counting their other company's tied into this! - Please read some of
the background and qualifications on the owners and partners of this
genius software that
you can earn a fortune on!

First - What is the Best product - to sell on and off the internet?
Websites and SEO - Of Course!
Do a google search - SEO Optimization, search engine rankings, etc and look at
the number of searches in those categories. SEO in Google 252,000,000 - that
in itself tells you what is "high demand!" Want Your Share of it?
Imagine if you were
sitting between page 1 and 3 at the very least of all those searches.
You would be
a "Billionaire!"

I know, the average marketer especially the new marketers are completely baffled
by the entire process and usually grab affiliate programs to try and
earn a few dollars
Most people simply don't have the funds to pay these SEO Experts the
big bucks to
be listed on Page one and many times you do pay a fortune and must keep paying
to retain your position. Most simply can't afford to build their
business this way -
Until Now! Yes, a New Way Has Been Built To Help Put You At The Top!

This is information that will benefit everyone - new, experienced,
guru's - because
this system has never been created until now and I want you to know exactly who
created it and the money behind it to get it where it is right
now...Then I want you to
realize you are being given the opportunity of your lifetime to help
us promote this to
the world because they don't have it and desperately need it no matter
who they are!
No fly by night operation here PLUS you will be able to Build your
business while sharing
this new technology with the world and earning income with it.

Who Is Mark Genovese -
Mark Genovese, SEO Engineer Expert - 20 years experience - he is not a
marketer -
thats what he needs us for - to spread this genius and we will be
tapping into a territory
never touched but much needed - Imagine the money you can make with this system
and offering your downines a once in a lifetime opportunity of this magnitude!

Background -
20 years logging and fishing in Alaska, got hurt on a King Crab boat
told never to commercial fish again. Went right out and purchased a
salmon troller in
Oregon, USA - 5 years later had 5 boats all paid for. He
broke a monopoly in the commercial sea urchin industry and started an
urchin processing
plant with 185 people employed. He then lost everything when the US Highway
101 slid into the ocean! He told me he then bought his first computer
and sat in
front of it for 7 years with little results until he learned what a search
engine really was! Then it all changed!

After figuring out search engines he had two clients in the real estate field
and made them #1 in google! Not only #1 but his two clients filled
the first page
in the search tern "Ocean View Real Estate" it worked so well for them
one broker made so much money she closed her office and retired -
and the developer sold all the real estate he had ready to sell - Yeap
Mark was so good he worked himself out of work!

He is the President / CEO of MANE World Promotions Inc.
MANE is an acronym for: Marketing Associates for Nutrition and Education.
MWP owns City-Centers.com, also are in Partnership with the
Software engineer - partner listed below who developed the
mySEOshop software! The affiliate payment etc on this software
is also built by them, not purchased from one of those script internet
sales sites. The talent of these guys is awesome, wouldn't you say?

Marks Partner - BS in computer science and mathematics - graduated with honors.
Has been working as a software engineer for 20 years.
He's also worked as a consultant with fortune 500 companies including
US Sprint (telecom), Coca-Cola and Macy's
- Sorry at the time of this message I didn't have permission
to use his name, I don't know him personally, Mark furnished his
credentials to publish.

The main City-Centers Programmers are Pabol Verando and Jeff Greewell -
Pablo runs www.EasyCFM.com and worked for Steve Winn out of Las Vegus and Bailor
University and other huge clients!

City-Centers other programmer Jeff Greenwell is the head
programmer for http://www.oreck.com/ and is about to unleash a new system
for them built on the city-centers architectual.
Jeff has been given awards from the DOD (department of Defence) in
the United States by the secretary of the Navy for writing programs
that save millions in material acquisition during ship construction.
This is a partial list of their accomplishments since
most of what they have done is classified.

Now your'e wondering What is City Centers?

To the point, City-Centers is the City Directory Mark Genovese created
at first to help home based business owners promote their business's
better! It employs concepts he figured our while performing real
estate networking in the early 90's. Is is similar to other directories
like YellowPages and Dex but with a major difference! Now when
I say this you will really need to think about it! City-Centers was
built NOT to be seen.. Yes that is true Mark designed the
system in reverse of all the other directories!

As an example if you were to place an ad in Yellowpages.com here
is the truth of what will happen and you should be shocked at how
millions of people are being ripped off by these huge corporations.
Your ad in YP will be placed in your city page in the directory along
with all your competitors. When your potential client is at Google
or other search engines searching for your business the yellowPages
link will pop up and the user will click it. Now once the potential client
is on the YP page they still need to choose between your ad
(stuck in the middle of all your competitors) and yours.
So they have a 10 to 1 chance of visiting your competitors over your ad!
So here you see that YellowPages is built to get the potential clients
to see first their link and then perhaps your link!

City-Centers was build to do the opposite.. When a client places an
ad in City-Centers directory, that ad is placed on over 104 web portals
in the clients city, in every city in their state or every city in the USA.
If a person searches for our clients business type in the search
engines, with 104 links pointing to their page from their city the
city centers clients website will have more link popularity then
City-Centers so their website will come up before city centers.
This is why we are not seen and our clients are!

The mySEOshop system will allow all enrolled members to profit
from the city centers promotional system as well as help website
owners optimize their own websites. This system is as close to
a guarantee to great income as it gets! Just referring people
to the mySEOshop affiliate program can earn affiliates
more than most other programs ever thought possible!

The Join Affiliate Program Site - http://mySEOshop.net/2.seo

Ok Cathy, why are you in Seaaloe if this new program is so Great?
I changed everything on the net for these company's! Remember above
what Mark did for his two Florida clients? Those are only two - many more...

Mark told me to join Seaaloe - he'd help me get Top Search Engine
Positions and when
all these SeaAloe infomercials and TV commercials are released by
early next year
I would dominate! Its working already. SeaAloe is a great
product although, I like you would join for the income - Its a
winner! We are the
grand slam marketing team of SeaAloe and we dominate 80% of googles searches
for the business - Thank you mySEOshop -

In Marks system you can not only view Seaaloe Alabama and see how I
dominate, you can research SeaAloe Florida - SeaAloe Oregon, All States, etc
and you will see that his city-centers and his domains do dominate the
SeaAloe Advertising for Google...This is what being involved with us can do
for your business...

So in conclusion:

You now know the history of the Owners of this Revolutionary Self-Serve SEO
Optimization Service and Why You should join us and get your share of this
Billion Dollar Industry...

mySEOshop is the first and only SEO provider to offer clients
self-service site optimization.
It allows us to optimize sites better and faster than ever before. And its so
easy that clients can do it themselves.
In addition to self-service optimization, we also provide
a "full service" option for those clients that are technically
challenged or don't have the time to perform the optimization themselves -
thats more income for the affiliates.


Affiliate Program - Sign up here...


Hope to see you at the Bank!

Cathy Romine

Yes - Mark built my website!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The SEO industry is worth Billions - First EVER Self-Service Optimization!

First-Of-It's-Kind SEO Affiliate Program - Yes, you can join FREE - Definitely Join!

"I know very little about SEO but the mySEOshop system does and now I am number one in google! I highly recommend mySEOshop to anyone that wants top positioning in Google" or just the opportunity for the Best Affiliate Program On The Internet!  Mark has been working on this new software for almost two years and Pre-Launch is about to begin! Your The First To Have

The Opportunity To Boom Your Business Or Earn Tons of Money!

Why mySEOshop?

mySEOshop represents a revolution in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


mySEOshop is the first and only SEO provider to offer clients self-service site optimization. We have developed a proprietary technology based on 20 years of experience in SEO. It allows us to optimize sites better and faster than ever before. And its so easy that clients can do it themselves.

In addition to self-service optimization, we also provide a "full service" option for those clients that are technically challenged or don't have the time to perform the optimization themselves.

Opportunity Knocks

There are literally over one hundred million websites out there. Not just in the United States, but around the world. As a software engineer with over 20 years of experience, I can tell you that most websites are designed without any thought toward SEO. This isn't really a problem for corporate intranets because their success does not rely on being found. But public internet sites live or die based on their ability to attract new and repeat customers.

SEO clients may spend as little as $199 and as much as $70,000 depending on the size of their site and the link package they choose. Most will spend between $700 and $1,500 to get their site optimized. That represents $59.70 up to $21,000 to our resellers, with an average commission of around $330 for each sale. One sale each day represents an income of over $80,000 per year!


This is a fantastic opportunity to make an excellent income providing a valuable service. See "How It Works"

You will be given an opportunity upon launch of our program to stay at the free membership level or upgrade to an Enrolled Affiliate for $99 per year and explode your commission Potential!

Enrolled Affiliates WILL earn $50 on all you new enrolled referrals

Enrolled Affiliates WILL also earn 30% on all SEO sales

Enrolled Affiliates WILL also earn 30% on all City-Center ad pak's sold

Free Affiliates Earn $25 on all new Enrolled Affiliates

Free Affiliates will NOT earn the 30% on all SEO sales

Free Affiliates will NOT earn the 30% on all City-Center ad pak's sold

We feel that this structure will have most of, if not all your referral members upgrading and earning you a handsome income!

Make $50 bills over and over again for recruiting new affiliates, and 100's even Thousands more when website owners Optimize their site through the mySEOshop system and/or by City-Centers city ad packages!

Make Money In Search Engine Optimization Industry

No Experience Necessary!


 Get Your WebSite Optimized!


My Personal Optimized Website

Mark Knows His Stuff!



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Cathy Romine



Monday, November 3, 2008

Why Cathy Romine Chose SeaAloe For Health And Business

I changed everything on the internet for SeaAloe

Men Need To Get In Touch With Their Body's...

As I have been observing exactly what SeaAloe has done for me in such a short period of time I know personally I have more energy, some aches and pains especially at certain times of the month that we women have to experience amazing seemed to disappear - not one tylenol was taken and this in itself was worth it all. I have also noticed where for years when I washed my hair I was like my dogs - shed like crazy. Sometimes these little things we seem not to notice when its better

although sure do complain when its happening...Well I shed very little now days, lol

What I have done since I regretfully didn't have the actual before pictures of exactly how sick my Bonnie was prior to putting her on SeaAloe - I am recording everything now.

My husband thinks I'm crazy

I had him taking pictures yesterday of what he just would smile and shake his head about...I took pictures of his thinning head, I took pictures of his wrinkles, I even made him do the same to me...Yes, I have that much faith in my new discovered fountain of youth.

As he was talking to someone who asked him how SeaAloe was working for him, he had told her, its helped my dog, my wife loves it but I can't see any results... Well what he doesn't seem to realise is he suffers from high cholesterol, high blood sugar, has prostate trouble that he has been seeing a doctor for the past few months and I'm always having to walk on his back - or should I say, he hasn't asked me to do that in a few weeks, I wonder why? When he goes back to the doctor we shall see what he tells him about the other stuff, I expect Johnny to be surprised at the results. And I did tell him last night when he wanted his back rub that his breakouts were gone. hmmmmm, nope SeaAloe hasn't done anything for him yet, or so he thinks...We women know better.

We can't tell anyone SeaAloe is a "Miracle Cure" you must take the product and know what ailments you had prior to SeaAloe and chart your progress. I will tell you Its my "Miracle Cure" just for what it has done for me and my dogs in such a short period of time. It is a complete whole food nutritional supplement with only the finest pure all natural ingredients, that you'll have to read for yourself if you decide to visit the site.

So back to the pictures we took yesterday - I will be 50 years old in January and for all us women especially who bleach and face those dreaded menopause years, I guess I'm getting close, oh well, some of us also have thinning hair. Recently I was at the store wondering which of those costly products would help me from this secret we don't wan't others to know about. After looking I figured none of those over the counter products would actually work so I left without purchasing still worried what I could do for this condition, thinking it was just something I would have to accept, old age...Nope not anymore - Not a chance!

I'm charting my progress now with SeaAloe

SeaAloe is known for making hair grow faster, thicker and fuller - I'll let you know. If this works for me the way it worked for my dog Bonnie I definitely will have my two bald sons on it. I will tell you thus far I also have some regrowth in those thin spots. My hair has always been very dry and now is so much healthier.

I actually cut it shoulder length on Oct 30, 2008 so I can see exactly how fast now my hair grows, its always been very slow to grow. While some women are fortunate to grow one inch per month, mine has always grown about one inch per year, I'll keep you updated, yes I took pictures for proof because I already see results!

If I Sell It I Test It:

Well if you have read any of my blogs and saw Bonnie, that like I said is enough reason to use SeaAloe, plus my energy, aches, pains and healthier hair. I recently had joined "Rejuvenate Worldwide" when it first launched because yes, I like most women want to look young forever without surgery of course. I liked the product for a moisturizer although I must admit after four months of continued twice a day use not one wrinkle disappeared and yes the aging process seemed to continue.

Needless to say, I dropped it!

Not only do I drink 2 ounces of SeaAloe daily I started using about one tablespoon nightly and applying it to my thinning area on my head and applying it directly on my face, then applying my nightly cheap Avon moisturizer. I expect this to work far better than any of those other costly so called wrinkled cremes I've purchased in the past. Am I crazy or what? lol...I'm not going to tell you something works if it doesn't! I know SeaAloe works for me so If I think it lately with what to experiment with SeaAloe on - I do it...

Cathys Past Serious Health Conditions:

This part of the blog is hard to write about. I am one who hides health problems or disability's and continue to live life with the cards I was dealt. In 1990 I had a serious automobile accident which crushed my right foot and ankle. Severe Nerve damage in my foot an causing me to be evaluated with a 45% disability by professionals due to this injury affecting severe arthritis setting up through out my body. Due to the foot injury it also affected my backs alignment not to be correct and resulted in back problems.

I couldn't put any weight on my foot for six months, couldn't work for one year and I was a single parent with two little boys and no longer had income., thank goodness for my parents!

The doctors thought I would lose my foot well mind over body and alot of prayers I wouldn't let that set back slow me down. A few years ago it became more painful to walk, every step I took was like walking on nails. When I walked my foot became so sore I limped badly until the soreness eased and I could walk again so I finally had surgery. The surgery did help me walk with less pain, although it caused the arthritis to become worse and more of the clawing affect in my toes. I will tell you that some pain has eased in my right foot and I expect it to continue to get better the longer I'm on SeaAloe.

When I was 37 years old I was working and had to have a physical for my employment. One day I was at home and the doctors office called and wanted to see me immediately. I then worried wanted them to tell me on the phone, they refused, just told me to drive carefully and get to their office. When I arrived he told me all my blood levels were critical - hemoglobin, metacliff (however you spell all that stuff, never clamied to be a doctor, lol) and all the other names, everything was critical, and I could have a stroke any minute. They also found a heart murmor which I had never had in my entire life. Well I went through all the doctors stuff for months and finally did the patient treat thyself and went on herbs. I also lost that job when the doctors reported my health condition to my employer.

Three years ago I once again was working and became so sick, no energy, couldn't hardly function. I would get out of my car and be so dizzy I didn't think I was going to make it in the door without passing out. This doctor put me through one test after the other trying to find out what was causing me to be severe anemic. He thought possibly I was bleeding internally. He also highly recommended I have a blood transfusion immediately - No Way, Not Me! With Aids and the high risk of getting hepatitis C - I told him give me some iron pills. He didn't think that would build my blood fast enough, he did it anyway and also put me on nexium for my ulsers, What a basket case I was. Have you ever read the side effects of nexium? I quit taking those too.

One test after another, I once again went on my own regiment consisting of tons of herb pills daily, So Many bottles to buy, three pills a day for each ailment from all those different bottles, geez, I like herbs but we know they don't absorb like the liquid supplements do - you have to take a handful three times per day and the cost was outrageous! How easy is SeaAloe - complete - great tasting liquid - affordable - safe for the entire family, no side effects - Awesome! Wish I knew about it years ago.

Doctors give you all these drugs and tell you the side effects which are worse than the medical conditions most times. I watched my father suffer for 15 years at least, from diabetis, heart disease, conjestive heart failure, neuropothy, etc. The doctors expected him to die ten years earlier and for all these years of his life he took all their pills, got worse not better and continued to follow the advice of the medical profession. He suffered a long hard illness which in the end we lost him. If only he was still here and I could convince him to take SeaAloe - Would he have listened? I think so...I hate it! I can't help my dad but I can try and help others if they will listen and give it a try. If you don't have your health, you have nothing!

Why Am I Sharing?

I have done alot on the net and never shared with anyone, that I can remember anything but positive and completely business in nature when it came to building my online business. I've had a hard life, struggled as a single parent, faced with road blocks on every turn. Every time in life when I thought something would be good it backfired. I am now and remain focused and always positive that if you believe in something and pursue your dreams it will happen.

My Mottos when I first got invoved with internet marketing was two slogans -

The First - If They Can Do It I Can Do It - If I Can Do It - You Can Do It - and that is true - anyone with the desire who puts forth the effort can do it. You must have a good product and an upline who actually care and will help you.

The Second - Build It And They Will Come -

(you have to build it)

I want people who follow what I do on the net to know that I too have faced many obstacles and believe in helping people and not taking advantage. I can relate to sickness, income problems, life in general. I am sharing some of my personal diary honestly because I believe so much in SeaAloe. Like I've said on my blogs when it did what I've witnessed it do in my life already I have to share it with the world and that includes my history so people know I can relate, as hard as that personally is for me.

So In Conclusion To This Post - Health And Business

The Above Is my reason why I have changed course in my online business. I have joined many programs, company's, and yeap even those crappy Pre-Launch get in fast. I've spent tons of money on leads that don't work - joined nutritonal products that don't sell and never thought I'd ever touch this industry again, until now...

How others can continue to promote using the same internet path to distruction, over and over and over, knowingly do this just for a few dollars, deceiving and basically just selling junk without worrying about the ones who join and really have no chance of earning an income or building a real business with a real product for their future is beyond me.

I have felt guilty for people who have followed anything I recommended and it like most things on the net fall by the wayside or not develop into what founders said it would. Promoting one thing and then the company completely change course to something else. I can't undo what is already done but I can share my experiences and knowledge and my connections to help you not make the same mistakes I did.

If your looking for a healthy nutritional product SeaAloe comes with a complete 90 Day Money Back Guarantee. If your looking for a business I have blogged the history of SeaAloe and why it is now my number one business. My future is SeaAloe. I am the Alabama State Leader For The Grand Slam Marketing Team - I work closely with Mark Genovese who is an SEO Expert and has changed my way of thinking and my search engine results drastically. If your looking for building your business for long term join our team. Mark's resources are available to all that want to duplicate what we do as a member of our team.

Cathy Romine - SeaAloe Alabama

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Athens, Al, United States
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