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Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What "GURU'S" Dont Want You To Know, mySEOshop, SEO optimizer
I hope you take the time to read this because it will change your
future on the internet. My name is Cathy Romine and I've
been on the net a few years. I have made money, joined everything
and anything, followed, been a manager for various programs and
I'm sure just like you the end result is always the same - Downline
drops out or you promote something for FREE and get a bunch of
FREE members who do nothing and you end up frustrated and
move on to the next big program...
Buying all these advertising programs that do ZIP for building
you in search engines, mailers that take hours on end to
get any hits and blasting to FFA's sites, Search engine submitters
etc that do nothing - OUCH but get you blacklisted on google...Woops
did they not tell you this? More than likely if you've got your own
website its blacklisted if you've bought their junk...
Further more if you've purchased a website from most
of the company's on the net selling them such as the
website builder type programs your not advertising your
domain, your advertising the company website store...No
matter how hard you try you will NEVER get top search engine
position if you don't have the correct website...
An SEO Expert, Mark Genovese has stepped up to the plate
and put together the First-of-its-kind SEO Self-Serve Optimizer...
What I'm going to show you is how to quit joining all the CRAP
on the net that is making these "GURU'S" Richer and you
I busted my butt only to promote their programs and watch
them crash and burn one after the other or a constant
build due to the drop out rate...
If you ever, EVER, Wish to really, Finally earn income you MUST
quit believing all these lies - Quit making the Jane's and Mike's
and Rachel's Rich - Start making you some money....I'm telling
you - They Sell JUNK! Sure you might make a dollar here and there
but you will NEVER build a real business continuing down this path...
Join This Right Now and Be Determined you are Ready For Success!
We will teach you what you need to know to build your future -
Hope you listen...
The First Of Its Kind Self Serve Optimizer - Billion Dollar Industry!
Wishing You The Success You Deserve,
Cathy Romine
Here's My Optimized Website...
Yes, I dominate many top searches and I've only just begun...
Example - Put the following in your browser - "alabama internet income" "buy seaaloe"
"seaaloe alabama" Many, many more...If your not building in search
engines, your getting no where! The Gurus don't use them much...They are
to busy selling junk, they don't need them, but you do if your ever going
to free yourself from their scams! Let us help you...We are the real deal...
The Rest Is Totally Up To You Whether You Believe Me Or Not...
Join Us - We are about to Sweep The Globe!
Join Us Here At mySEOshop
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- SEO | Search Engine Optimization | Internet Income...
- What "GURU'S" Dont Want You To Know, mySEOshop, SE...
- Are You Ready For Success | Join Cathy Romine | SE...
- Internet Income | Working From Home | SEO | Search...
- Seaaloe | Sea aloe | mySEOshop | Optimize Your Bus...
- Self-Service SEO Optimization|SEO Search Engine|Go...
- The SEO industry is worth Billions - First EVER Se...
- Why Cathy Romine Chose SeaAloe For Health And Busi...
Making Money|mySEOshop|SEO|Internet Income|SeaAloe|Working From Home With Cathy Romine

- cathyromine
- Athens, Al, United States
- Who-Is-Cathy Romine Listed on the first page of major search engine listings -