I Don't care if your Mike G - Guru or Joe Freebie - You Need This Business! Read
Entirely - Serious Marketers Will Read This Because We know they wish to
be educated - Quick join here do nothing people will not - they will
never build a true online
business, we all know that! Discover The Technology, Hundreds of
Thousands of dollars invested,
and the SEO Engineer Experts behind this First-Of-Its-Kind - Ever System!
You have never seen anything like this - I Promise and you have the
opportunity to
get involved and get everyone you know involved during this pre-launch.
Ground Floor Opportunity - Two Years In The Making on just this one system
not counting their other company's tied into this! - Please read some of
the background and qualifications on the owners and partners of this
genius software that
you can earn a fortune on!
First - What is the Best product - to sell on and off the internet?
Websites and SEO - Of Course!
Do a google search - SEO Optimization, search engine rankings, etc and look at
the number of searches in those categories. SEO in Google 252,000,000 - that
in itself tells you what is "high demand!" Want Your Share of it?
Imagine if you were
sitting between page 1 and 3 at the very least of all those searches.
You would be
a "Billionaire!"
I know, the average marketer especially the new marketers are completely baffled
by the entire process and usually grab affiliate programs to try and
earn a few dollars
Most people simply don't have the funds to pay these SEO Experts the
big bucks to
be listed on Page one and many times you do pay a fortune and must keep paying
to retain your position. Most simply can't afford to build their
business this way -
Until Now! Yes, a New Way Has Been Built To Help Put You At The Top!
This is information that will benefit everyone - new, experienced,
guru's - because
this system has never been created until now and I want you to know exactly who
created it and the money behind it to get it where it is right
now...Then I want you to
realize you are being given the opportunity of your lifetime to help
us promote this to
the world because they don't have it and desperately need it no matter
who they are!
No fly by night operation here PLUS you will be able to Build your
business while sharing
this new technology with the world and earning income with it.
Who Is Mark Genovese -
Mark Genovese, SEO Engineer Expert - 20 years experience - he is not a
marketer -
thats what he needs us for - to spread this genius and we will be
tapping into a territory
never touched but much needed - Imagine the money you can make with this system
and offering your downines a once in a lifetime opportunity of this magnitude!
Background -
20 years logging and fishing in Alaska, got hurt on a King Crab boat
told never to commercial fish again. Went right out and purchased a
salmon troller in
Oregon, USA - 5 years later had 5 boats all paid for. He
broke a monopoly in the commercial sea urchin industry and started an
urchin processing
plant with 185 people employed. He then lost everything when the US Highway
101 slid into the ocean! He told me he then bought his first computer
and sat in
front of it for 7 years with little results until he learned what a search
engine really was! Then it all changed!
After figuring out search engines he had two clients in the real estate field
and made them #1 in google! Not only #1 but his two clients filled
the first page
in the search tern "Ocean View Real Estate" it worked so well for them
one broker made so much money she closed her office and retired -
and the developer sold all the real estate he had ready to sell - Yeap
Mark was so good he worked himself out of work!
He is the President / CEO of MANE World Promotions Inc.
MANE is an acronym for: Marketing Associates for Nutrition and Education.
MWP owns City-Centers.com, also are in Partnership with the
Software engineer - partner listed below who developed the
mySEOshop software! The affiliate payment etc on this software
is also built by them, not purchased from one of those script internet
sales sites. The talent of these guys is awesome, wouldn't you say?
Marks Partner - BS in computer science and mathematics - graduated with honors.
Has been working as a software engineer for 20 years.
He's also worked as a consultant with fortune 500 companies including
US Sprint (telecom), Coca-Cola and Macy's
- Sorry at the time of this message I didn't have permission
to use his name, I don't know him personally, Mark furnished his
credentials to publish.
The main City-Centers Programmers are Pabol Verando and Jeff Greewell -
Pablo runs www.EasyCFM.com and worked for Steve Winn out of Las Vegus and Bailor
University and other huge clients!
City-Centers other programmer Jeff Greenwell is the head
programmer for http://www.oreck.com/ and is about to unleash a new system
for them built on the city-centers architectual.
Jeff has been given awards from the DOD (department of Defence) in
the United States by the secretary of the Navy for writing programs
that save millions in material acquisition during ship construction.
This is a partial list of their accomplishments since
most of what they have done is classified.
Now your'e wondering What is City Centers?
To the point, City-Centers is the City Directory Mark Genovese created
at first to help home based business owners promote their business's
better! It employs concepts he figured our while performing real
estate networking in the early 90's. Is is similar to other directories
like YellowPages and Dex but with a major difference! Now when
I say this you will really need to think about it! City-Centers was
built NOT to be seen.. Yes that is true Mark designed the
system in reverse of all the other directories!
As an example if you were to place an ad in Yellowpages.com here
is the truth of what will happen and you should be shocked at how
millions of people are being ripped off by these huge corporations.
Your ad in YP will be placed in your city page in the directory along
with all your competitors. When your potential client is at Google
or other search engines searching for your business the yellowPages
link will pop up and the user will click it. Now once the potential client
is on the YP page they still need to choose between your ad
(stuck in the middle of all your competitors) and yours.
So they have a 10 to 1 chance of visiting your competitors over your ad!
So here you see that YellowPages is built to get the potential clients
to see first their link and then perhaps your link!
City-Centers was build to do the opposite.. When a client places an
ad in City-Centers directory, that ad is placed on over 104 web portals
in the clients city, in every city in their state or every city in the USA.
If a person searches for our clients business type in the search
engines, with 104 links pointing to their page from their city the
city centers clients website will have more link popularity then
City-Centers so their website will come up before city centers.
This is why we are not seen and our clients are!
The mySEOshop system will allow all enrolled members to profit
from the city centers promotional system as well as help website
owners optimize their own websites. This system is as close to
a guarantee to great income as it gets! Just referring people
to the mySEOshop affiliate program can earn affiliates
more than most other programs ever thought possible!
The Join Affiliate Program Site - http://mySEOshop.net/2.seo
Ok Cathy, why are you in Seaaloe if this new program is so Great?
I changed everything on the net for these company's! Remember above
what Mark did for his two Florida clients? Those are only two - many more...
Mark told me to join Seaaloe - he'd help me get Top Search Engine
Positions and when
all these SeaAloe infomercials and TV commercials are released by
early next year
I would dominate! Its working already. SeaAloe is a great
product although, I like you would join for the income - Its a
winner! We are the
grand slam marketing team of SeaAloe and we dominate 80% of googles searches
for the business - Thank you mySEOshop -
In Marks system you can not only view Seaaloe Alabama and see how I
dominate, you can research SeaAloe Florida - SeaAloe Oregon, All States, etc
and you will see that his city-centers and his domains do dominate the
SeaAloe Advertising for Google...This is what being involved with us can do
for your business...
So in conclusion:
You now know the history of the Owners of this Revolutionary Self-Serve SEO
Optimization Service and Why You should join us and get your share of this
Billion Dollar Industry...
mySEOshop is the first and only SEO provider to offer clients
self-service site optimization.
It allows us to optimize sites better and faster than ever before. And its so
easy that clients can do it themselves.
In addition to self-service optimization, we also provide
a "full service" option for those clients that are technically
challenged or don't have the time to perform the optimization themselves -
thats more income for the affiliates.
Affiliate Program - Sign up here...
Hope to see you at the Bank!
Cathy Romine
Yes - Mark built my website!
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Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization
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- Athens, Al, United States
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