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Internet Income By Cathy Romine|SeaAloe|mySEOshop|Working From Home|Alabama Income|Cathys Home Business Networking|SEO|Top Search Engine Rankings|Self Serve SEO Optimization
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The SEO industry is worth Billions - First EVER Self-Service Optimization!
First-Of-It's-Kind SEO Affiliate Program - Yes, you can join FREE - Definitely Join!
"I know very little about SEO but the mySEOshop system does and now I am number one in google! I highly recommend mySEOshop to anyone that wants top positioning in Google" or just the opportunity for the Best Affiliate Program On The Internet! Mark has been working on this new software for almost two years and Pre-Launch is about to begin! Your The First To Have
The Opportunity To Boom Your Business Or Earn Tons of Money!
Why mySEOshop?
mySEOshop represents a revolution in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
mySEOshop is the first and only SEO provider to offer clients self-service site optimization. We have developed a proprietary technology based on 20 years of experience in SEO. It allows us to optimize sites better and faster than ever before. And its so easy that clients can do it themselves.
In addition to self-service optimization, we also provide a "full service" option for those clients that are technically challenged or don't have the time to perform the optimization themselves.
Opportunity Knocks
There are literally over one hundred million websites out there. Not just in the United States, but around the world. As a software engineer with over 20 years of experience, I can tell you that most websites are designed without any thought toward SEO. This isn't really a problem for corporate intranets because their success does not rely on being found. But public internet sites live or die based on their ability to attract new and repeat customers.
SEO clients may spend as little as $199 and as much as $70,000 depending on the size of their site and the link package they choose. Most will spend between $700 and $1,500 to get their site optimized. That represents $59.70 up to $21,000 to our resellers, with an average commission of around $330 for each sale. One sale each day represents an income of over $80,000 per year!
This is a fantastic opportunity to make an excellent income providing a valuable service. See "How It Works"
You will be given an opportunity upon launch of our program to stay at the free membership level or upgrade to an Enrolled Affiliate for $99 per year and explode your commission Potential!
Enrolled Affiliates WILL earn $50 on all you new enrolled referrals
Enrolled Affiliates WILL also earn 30% on all SEO sales
Enrolled Affiliates WILL also earn 30% on all City-Center ad pak's sold
Free Affiliates Earn $25 on all new Enrolled Affiliates
Free Affiliates will NOT earn the 30% on all SEO sales
Free Affiliates will NOT earn the 30% on all City-Center ad pak's sold
We feel that this structure will have most of, if not all your referral members upgrading and earning you a handsome income!
Make $50 bills over and over again for recruiting new affiliates, and 100's even Thousands more when website owners Optimize their site through the mySEOshop system and/or by City-Centers city ad packages!
Make Money In Search Engine Optimization Industry
No Experience Necessary!
Get Your WebSite Optimized!
My Personal Optimized Website
Mark Knows His Stuff!
Don't believe this system works? Put the below examples in your browser. I met
Mark just a few short months ago and he optimized my personal website,
using the appropriate website (not the site builder crap everyone sells)
I had been using a website through tripod/lycos with a domain name - yeah
the mistake of the wrong domain name. He looked at my site, told me it
was crap, moved my hosting, told me what domain name to pick, added a few
keywords, meta tags etc - now even my blogs get picked up on between the
first and 3rd pages of anything I advertise and I've only just begun...
Heres Proof, you will find Cathy Romine! Do your searches and join us for
finally selling quality and getting noticed on the internet - When you've work the internet
as long and hard as I have - many disappointments come but then you find Gold -
Mark Genovese and his company is Gold - Hope you join us!
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Are you #1 in Google? Join Us - Heres your first chance
at "Spectacular!!!" Yeap - heres your Break - Take It!
myseoshop is the exact same system that put me in
Many Top Ranked Search Engine Positions in a very short
period of time. Theres many more than what I have listed
Join Now!
Do you have a high quality
optimized website? You may think
you do and really not - myseoshop is necessary!
I love it and it gets results!
Heres The Site To Again To Check Out Optimization Of Your Website
if your interested in that and not earning income...
Cathy Romine
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- SEO | Search Engine Optimization | Internet Income...
- What "GURU'S" Dont Want You To Know, mySEOshop, SE...
- Are You Ready For Success | Join Cathy Romine | SE...
- Internet Income | Working From Home | SEO | Search...
- Seaaloe | Sea aloe | mySEOshop | Optimize Your Bus...
- Self-Service SEO Optimization|SEO Search Engine|Go...
- The SEO industry is worth Billions - First EVER Se...
- Why Cathy Romine Chose SeaAloe For Health And Busi...
Making Money|mySEOshop|SEO|Internet Income|SeaAloe|Working From Home With Cathy Romine

- cathyromine
- Athens, Al, United States
- Who-Is-Cathy Romine Listed on the first page of major search engine listings -